Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I'm gonna wash that scarf right out of my hair...

Well I managed to get the scarf of doom finished last night. Ends all woven in, blocked, the lot. I even succeeded in wrapping it in pink paper and attaching a card.
Go me.
This evening I'll get a few pics of the birthday girl striking a pose with said scarf, and then I can finally wash my hands of it. Of course, now that I'm about to hand it over, today is going to be the warmest day so far this year...19 degrees (or 66 for those who prefer farenheit).

Cardigan progress...well I've finished one of the front sections, I've rounded the corner, done some casting off and shaped the armhole. Next step is some mid-line casting on, and I'm back into straight lines for 120-or-thereabouts lines.
Number of lines done on cardigan last night: 0.

I suck.

Well, to be more truthful, I got a little distracted. In my hunt for yarn needles I'd tipped my basket contents on to the floor and found the balls of yarn for the big bad WIP. I took this as a sign and got started on yet another of the squares. Oh, and I also decided what to knit with that delicious Jaeger mohair that I snagged off ebay. Not entirely unproductive, then!

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